About SiteWorth.co

Siteworth.co is a free website worth calculator.
An estimated value is given by examining the website's traffic information, backlinks,
search engine rankings, MOZ rank, Alexa data and social media statistics.
The website worth calculation is then based on an estimation of CPC ad revenues
(based on industry averages, regardless of the ad type,
ad placement and whether or not the website displays ads at all).

Calculate the value of a website using Siteworth.co today.

Please note that Siteworth.co will estimate the value of a website and not the web-based
business itself. Calculating a true figure would need to take into consideration factors such as visitor behavior,
actual ad revenue, sales and additional revenue streams, expenses and so on. Without access
to actual earning reports and information, no online tool can accurately determine the value of
a website or web-based business.

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